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Becoming A Clinical Supervisor:
Rules, Requirements and Documentation
(6 CE Hours)

For the Beginning and Veteran Supervisor

The Georgia Composite Board has become more critical of supervisors and their lack of compliance with the requirements as set forth in the laws and regulations governed by the GA Sec. of State.  This program will look at:
  • What good supervisors do
  • Traits of ineffective supervisors
  • Power games in supervision
  • CPCS and ACS certification requirements
  • Licensure applications
  • Recommended supervision forms
  • Learn how to determine "fit" between supervisor and supervisee, methods of providing feedback, the process of evaluations both summative and formative, establishing the structure of supervision, and other best practices.
The program will include a combination of hands-on demonstration of forms, small group discussion, and a utilization of case scenarios for skill development.
Clinical Supervision Strategies for
Group, Peer, and Triadic Models
(6 CE Hours)
Supervision utilizes several different models to enhance the development of counselors and supervisors. 
  • Three modalities of supervision will be reviewed to gain an understanding of their function and effectiveness.

  • Group supervision requirements will be examined and attendees will learn the critical components needed for effectiveness.

  • Peer supervision as a means for supervisors to stay connected to colleagues to maintain good supervision skills and grow within the profession.

Participants will utilize case scenarios and observe videos of the supervision models in action to gain an understanding of the function of each method and it’s use.
Finding Your Style in the Theoretical Models of Supervision

(6 CE Hours)

Supervision just like therapy is based on theoretical models.  This workshop will provide an in-depth review of the following:

  • An overview of the various theoretical supervision models.

  • Exploration of the complexities of incorporating the models in supervision.

  • Assessment of the style that best fits the attendee with regard to strengths and competencies.

  • How to implement the models into your supervision process and much more.

The Melting Pot of Multicultural Concerns in Supervision

(6 CE Hours)

Supervision is more than discussing cases.  It involves looking at the dynamic between client and counselor and how differences can impact the counseling relationship.  

  • Review of the literature with regard to multicultural counseling and supervision.

  • Understanding multicultural competencies of both the supervisor and supervisee.

  • Issues that can be present in the supervisory relationship and how to address them.

  • Starting the process to bringing change for multicultural competence.

This interactive workshop will explore many of the multicultural issues that could and do come up in the supervision process.

Exploring Clinical Supervision Experiences Using Beginning and Advanced Case Scenarios


(6 CE Hours)

Using case scenarios, various supervisory components will be explored that can impact how supervision functions. 

  • Review the characteristics associated with the supervisor–supervisee relationship that can influence the outcomes of the supervision process.

  • To examine the supervisory relationship in the context of power, authority and parallel process with a focus on the impact on learning and teaching.

  • To review the developmental and social roles of supervision.

  • Understanding the supervisory relationship’s primary objective is to work toward completion of the goals and requirements of supervision. 

  • Ethics, rules, behavior, and training requirements will be examined to determine needed outcomes.

This program will utilize beginning and advanced scenarios in both written and video formats to examine activities that occur in supervision. 

Ethics and Rules for Supervision

(6 CE Hours)

Supervisors have specific rules and ethics for supervision they must follow to be in compliance with the Ga. Composite Board, ACA, AMHCA, and NBCC.

  • Review of the ethical codes of ACA, AMHCA, NBCC, CPCS, and the Georgia Composite Board with regard to supervision.

  • Impact of recent/future rule and regulatory changes in Georgia (telemental health, 1013 privileges, diagnosis, and shifting requirements for credentialing).

  • Addressing the liability risks of not being compliant with the codes as it relates to direct and vicarious liability.

  • Exploration of applicable laws and legal cases that impact the supervisory process.

  • Changes effective October 1, 2018 and the impact on the supervisory environment.

This workshop will explore the ethics and rules that guide supervision from a best practices approach maintaining ethical compliance.

Using Genograms In Supervision

(3 CE Hours)

Genograms have been used in counseling for many years.  Recently, the use of genograms has been implemented in the supervision process.  

  • Definition of a genogram

  • The history of genograms in the counseling environment

  • Research in the use of genograms for supervision

  • Utilization and expectations from using genograms in the supervising environment


Ethical Implications of Dual Relationships
in Counseling and Supervision
(Legal / Ethics)

(6 CE Hours)

In the mental health field, a dual relationship is a situation where multiple roles exist between a therapist, or other mental health practitioner, and a client or between a supervisor and supervisee. Dual relationships are also referred to as multiple relationships, and these two terms are used interchangeably in the research literature. 

  • Definition of a dual relationship

  • Review of the ethical codes of ACA, AMHCA, AAMFT, NBCC, CPCS, and the  GA Comp Board

  • Boundary Issues vs Boundary Crossings

  • 26 Types of Multiple Relationships

  • Benefit – Harm of Dual Relationships

Telesupervision: Documentation, Technology, Legal/Ethical and Business Issues

(6 CE Hours)

The Telesupervision training is more in-depth providing more insight into the components of TMH Supervision.


  • Paperwork - informed consent, Telesupervision contract, documentation for supervisees/clients and supervision

  • Protocol for assessment of clients and training supervisees on who is a good fit for therapy and who should be referred to a local provider

  • Technology - Equipment requirements, equipment failures, delays in providing service

  • Developing an ethics code specific to telesupervision

  • Defining and maintaining a scope of practice

  • Jurisdictional issues: Crossing state lines, client temporary location vs home, how to find states that grant conditional privileges, risks

  • Business issues: Marketing, liability insurance, record keeping, customer service, handling comments (client/supervisees) on sites such as Yelp, Psychology Today, Rate my therapist and other rating sites.

Boundary Issues and Ethical Situations In Supervision

(3 CE Hours)

Boundary issues frequently come up in supervision.  This workshop will explore various situations that can be determined to be unethical and a violation of the supervisory relationship.


  • Ethical codes (ACA, AMHCA, NBCC, NASW, AAMFT, CPCS) that apply to boundary issues

  • Boundary Crossings vs Boundary Violation

  • Boundary situations that come up in Supervision and how to handle them

* Peak Solutions, LLC is a NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP #7012.  All workshop content & presenter qualifications meet or exceed the requirements set by the GA Composite Board.

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