Peak Solutions, LLC

Building Bridges For Success:
One Step At A Time!
Since COVID, we now offer all our workshops via Video Conferencing.
The GA Composite Board voted to change the definition of "Synchronous" delivery of CEs in Rule 135-9 Continuing Education, effective October 1, 2020.
This new definition allows all 35 CE hours to be acquired online, including ethics.
Peak Solutions, LLC is the professional clinician's resource to learn, consult, and gain knowledge to be a better therapist, supervisor, coach, or consultant.
We do that by:
Offering quality Continuing Education programs to assist you in your professional career that will meet the needs to retain licensure or gain certification in supervision. Peak Solutions, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7012. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Peak Solutions, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Providing consultation about ethical issues, your practice, or other issues you need to discuss with a professional in the field.
Providing individual supervision for APCs/LPCs to meet the requirement for licensure. We also provide supervision for LPCs looking for a resource to help them grow as a clinician.
Providing Supervision Consultation Groups to assist with "Training the Trainers" of tomorrow's therapists.

Peak Solutions, LLC 678.626.7210